Bradford Hager
Faculty Post-Tenure
Known for key advances in mantle dynamics, structure, and flow using geodetic instrumentation, numerical simulations, and dynamical models.
Brad Hager’s research interests include the relationship between space-geodetic observations of surface deformation, earthquakes, and dynamical processes in the Earth’s interior. He has expertise on tectonic earthquakes in regional fault systems, as well as deformation and earthquakes induced by reservoir production.
Current areas of investigation include monitoring environmental change, CO2 sequestration, and induced seismicity.
Biographical Sketch
Brad Hager earned his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1978 and then became a professor at Caltech’s Seismological Laboratory. He joined MIT in 1989 where he is now the Cecil and Ida Green Professor of Earth Sciences in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS). Brad served as Director of ERL from June 2012-2018. Hager is on NASA’s NISAR Science Definition Team, providing input on earthquake, hydrocarbon, carbon sequestration, and hydrologic applications. He is also a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has been awarded the Macelwane and Lehmann Medals by the American Geophysical Union, the Woollard Award by the Geological Society of America, and the Augustus Love Medal by the European Geophysical Union.
Publications: scholar.google.com
Key Awards & Honors
- 2013 • Lehmann Medal, American Geophysical Union
- 2011 • Augustus Love Medal, European Geophysical Union
- 2009 • Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 2001 • Woollard Award, Geological Society of America
- 1986 • Fellow, American Geophysical Union